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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

etherwall security di linux

5:12 AM
Sealamat malam semua nya   .. perkenal kan nama saya HADES  anak baru di sini :)   yang pasti paling ganteng karna saya pria :P

kali ini saya membahas tentang software yang satu ini … nama nya etherwall 
waktu itu  saya ikut seminar yah di ajak teman di MNC (margahayu network comunity)  dan yang di bahas tentang snifing, arp spoofing, hijacking dll …. dan seminar itu sendiri di bawakan oleh RNDC  langsung saja yah ….

apa itu etherwall??

Etherwall adalah perangkat keamanan jaringan gratis dan kode terbuka yang di design untuk mencegah MITM (Man in The Middle) melalui serangan ARP spoofing/poisoning. Juga mencegah dari jenis – jenis serangan yang di turunkannya seperti Sniffing, Hijacking, Netcut, DHCP Spoofing, DNS Spoofing, WEB Spoofing, dan lain-lain. Melindungi host secara aktif, menyaring paket ARP secara ketat, serta memberikan peringatan dini kepada pengguna akhir jika di temukan adanya indikasi serangan ARP cache poisoning. Etherwall di tulis dalam bahasa pemrograman python menggunakan pustaka/library Scapy.

downlaods software nya di

root@Nr:~# apt-get install arptables
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information… Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 134 not upgraded.
Need to get 32,8 kB of archives.
After this operation, 115 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 natty/universe arptables i386 [32,8 kB]
Fetched 32,8 kB in 22s (1.470 B/s)                                             
Memilih paket arptables yang sebelumnya tidak dipilih. 
(Sedang membaca basis data …  128504 berkas atau direktori telah terpasang.)
Sedang membuka paket arptables (dari …/arptables_0.0.3.4-1_i386.deb) … 
Sedang memproses pemicu untuk man-db … 
Sedang menata arptables ( … 
kalau sudah baru the install  etherwall  … ekstrak dulu kalau sudah  masuk ke directory nya … baru install …
root@Nr:~# ls
root@Nr:~# cd /home/linux/
root@Nr:/home/linux# ls
Destop          lol                                      rain
Dokumen                                 RECYCLER
Gambar          Musik                                    rootkit1.c.txt
gambas.tar.bz2  my info                                  software
L               NR                                       steganography.pdf
linux           o                                        Templat
linux.html      Pengantar Pemrograman Bash Shell di.odt  tugas
lINUX KU.png    PrakSh2.pdf                              Unduhan
live            Publik                                   Video
lo              ra
root@Nr:/home/linux# cd software/
root@Nr:/home/linux/software# ls
arptables-v0.0.3-4  arptables-v0.0.3-4.tar.gz  etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)
root@Nr:/home/linux/software# cd etherwall-1.0.BETA1\ \(2\)/
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# ls   scapy
config    tool
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# bash
bash     bashbug  
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# bash 
Are you sure you want to install etherwall [Y/n]? y
Type enter to read the license of etherwall…q
                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program–to make sure it remains free
software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
your programs, too.
  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
Are you aggree [Y/n]? y
Installing etherwall:
Checking dependencies…
Creating etherwall installation directory…
Copying all file to ‘/opt/etherwall’
Creating etherwall file…
Copying etherwall program to ‘/sbin’
Creating ethwconsole file…
Copying ethwconsole program to ‘/sbin’
Copying etherwall file configuration to ‘/etc’
Installation finished. Type etherwall or ethwconsole as root to run.
ini untuk mencoba ethwerwall nya …
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# etherwall status
Etherwall daemon is not running…
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# etherwall 
Usage: etherwall {start|stop|restart|status}
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# eth
etherwall    ethwconsole  
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# etherwall start
Starting etherwall daemons…
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)# etherwall status
Etherwall daemon is running…
root@Nr:/home/linux/software/etherwall-1.0.BETA1 (2)#
Cuplikan Layar - 190912 - 14-26-05
etherwall mendukung sistem operasi Linux. Telah di uji coba di beberapa distribusi populer seperti Slackware, Debian, Ubuntu, Backtrack, Mint, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, dll.


  • Daemon Process
  • ARP Packet Filtering
  • Point to Point & Point to Multipoint Protection
  • Realtime Protection
  • System Logging
  • Early Warning
  • Support for networks Statically, Dynamically, or Both
  • Supports for Ethernet Wired & Wireless interface (IEEE 802.3 & IEEE 802.11)
  • Plugins / Tools
  • Included Man Pages
  • Easy to Use and Free
selamat mencoba nya … kita hanya mencegah saja … software ini juga buatan manusia dan pasti masih ada kekurangan nya … tapi tidak ada salah nya kan kita mencoba nya hehehe ….


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