1. Buka Opera
2. Lalu keTools lalu ke Preferences
3. Atur ke Advanced tab
4. Lalu ke Network
5. Ganti Maxconnections to a server ke 16
6. Ganti MaxTotalConnections ke 32
7. Klick on ServerNameCompletion.
8. Biarkan yang lain tetap "Default".
9. Tutup ganti ke History
10. Ganti Address ke "100" atau "0"
11. Disk Cache harus 20MB-100MB
12. Ganti check for documents ke 5 hours
13. Ganti check for images ke 24 hours
14. Ketik opera:config in address bar.
15. Cari expiry
16. Expiry history dan load = 1
17. Bittorent/listening port=45682
18. Ganti ke Performance.
19. Jangan On-kan Reduce Max Persistant HTTP connections.
20. RESTART Opera Dan wallaaa...
- Kita bisa disable-kan Turbo Mode apabila koneksi lambat.
- Gunakan Windows Native skin and disable-kan special effects apabila koneksi lambat.
- Disable-kan Fraud protection
Creator : HADES
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